Σάββατο 25 Φεβρουαρίου 2012

The Concealed iPad Accessory You Already Own!

I truly thought of this theory nearly a week ago, but thought I'd share it with you guys. If you are using a case to prop aloft your iPad, or other 3rd party stands, well check this out. Use Your Glasses! Vault your specs ended, and you will hold a great space to type with. Sorry, this obviously will not apply, if you've prescription glasses...:( act , iPeople!

Rating: 1.762

Tags: pome, ipad, keyboard, sunglasses, specs, 16, gb, 32, 64, white, black, type, space, hieght, iphone, 3g, 3gs, glasses, prescription, xbox, 360, ipod, contact, buy, pruducts, shuffle, nano, belief, help, advice, imac, raincoat, store, price, how, to, case, screen, defender, kinect, sports, news, try, it, out, sweet, good, awesome, great, cool, secret, app, apps, slim, skin, picture, paper, reader, connection, charger, charge, wire, sync, computer, laptop, windows, microsoft, developers, programmers, easy, fun

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