Τετάρτη 28 Μαρτίου 2012

News: Can money can make you happy after every?

Most of us were raised to think that money and substance can't make us happier. It's one of the main instincts that led us to harden up Generous online. But some research coming out of the Says suggests that perhaps money might well metal competent to make us happier – though not in the ways we traditionally think.

"If you think money can't buy happiness, you just don't know where to go shopping," says Dan Ariely, a behavioral economist at Duke University in Durham, N.C., and author of Predictably Irrational. "Most people just don't know how to use money to buy optimism."

Money, and to a lower measure, stuff, can make us laughing if it promotes the experiences that make us happy, suchlike personal growth and social connectedness, states Sonja Lyubomirsky, a psychology academic at the University of California, Riverside. "Money can steal jollity if you put in it right."

And here's how they reckon our spending can maximise our happiness:

"Spend on experiences, not possessions," says Professor Lyubomirsky. Spend on personal advance and social connections – French lessons, gym membership, salsa course, joining a society; material that gives a sense of accomplishment and connects us to others. Spread it out – take a few small breaks away or else of one global blowout of a holiday (anticipation and muse over of an experience or purchase can be more positive than the experience itself) Give your money away. "When you give money away, you become happier," states Ariely. "There's thing incredibly satisfying about helping others that makes you bright."

Food for thought? How does this all fit with living a Generous life? Please join the debate by signing into your Generous account and leaving your notes below.

Read the piece fully here.

Flickr photosource – thanks 'World of Good'

Source: http://feeds.generous.org.uk/~r/generous/combined/~3/80Xorc9poRI/271-can-money-can-make-you-happy-after-all

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