Πέμπτη 30 Μαΐου 2013

Canon D tutorial (easy, piano)

My second (easier) teacher www.youtube.com And the link to my third tutorial that will help you with the chords and timing the 2 hands www.youtube.com Believe it or not, I am a noob on the keyboard. I learned this piece within a month, even though I ne`er played piano back. Actually I did, but never with 2 hands and only with background music wherever you thwack a couple keys to make it sound good, lol. True yea, this is my original almost completed piece. I cannot clasp the rhytm yet and I keep crooked my fingers too far, miss a couple chords, but it still sounds ok :D Fine tuning I guess, neat for a month imho. I will post a video about CanonD average level soon. I am working on that one for a while longer yet. But I dont play as often as I should, nevertheless I find I am doing ok. Let me know what you think, thanks! :D I made this tutorial because I was missing a couple things in the already excisting ones, plus only a few did use the easy copy I wanted to memorize first. My inspiration came mainly from www.youtube.com But he didn't do it within english nor did noble gas indicate all the keys properly and the timing was brave to find the first time I tested it. I find this is one of the most beautliful pieces and extremely rewarding once you learned to play it So offer it a try and I hope my tutorial works for ya ;) PDF SheetMusic and midi file link are on my Website, go draft it out! zerotomusic.com

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